[식품미생물학실험]요구르트 속의 유산균 측정실험
- 최초 등록일
- 2011.02.27
- 최종 저작일
- 2010.01
- 10페이지/ 한컴오피스
- 가격 1,500원
※ 유산균 ※
- 미생물 중 생육하면서 당에 대하여 50%이상 lactic acid을 대사산물로 생성하는 균.
-glucose로부터 다량의 lactic acid를 생성하면서 식품이나, 사람과 동물의 장 내 에서 인체에 헤로운 물질인 indole, skatole, phenol, amine, ammonia 등을 생 성하지 않고 부패를 방지하는 세균.
1) Abstract
2) Introduction (실험 원리)
3) Materials & Methods
4) Results & Discussion
5) Reference
실험 : 요구르트 속의 유산균 측정실험
- 희석법 이용
1) Abstract
We usually drink a yogurt. There is a lactic acid bacterium in the yogurt. It prevents rearing of harmful germ by creating lactic acid which is created lactic acid. So it is good for our body. We also measure how many a lactic acid bacteria is in yogurt. But because of a lot of a lactic acid bacterium among the sample we have to measure the number of bacteria by dilution. In order to create yogurt, most of the yogurt is used by Lactobacillus bulgaricus sometimes starter bacteria in the usual case.
A mathod of the experiment is that after diluting 7 times with gem which was in the milk and put 10-6, 10-7, 10-8of dilution supply into 1ml petri dish with and harden it by pouring agar and after few minutes, piling it on the agar. In this experiment, Lactobacilli MRS agar was used not TSA or TSB used in other experiments.
after cultivating around 48 hour, we counted the number of bacteria.
2) Introduction (실험 원리)
참고 자료
- ⓒ 두산백과사전 EnCyber & EnCyber.com
- 필수 식품미생물학. 민경찬 외 5. 광문각. 2004.03.05
- 식품미생물학 실험서. 박신인 외 1. 효일. 2004.12.30
- 식품미생물학. 하덕모. 신광출판사. 2003.05.30
- 식품위생학. 이흠숙 외 2. 형설출판사. 2002.03.11
- 최신식품미생물학. 유태종 외 7 . 문운당. 2004.01.15
- 식품미생물학. 강성태 외 1. 형성출판사. 2004.02.28
- 식품미생물학. 오성천. 정문각. 2002.03.02