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CRM in Hotel business

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


CRM in Hotel business


Ⅰ. Introduction
1. The characteristics of hotel business
2. The change in hotel business environment
3. Importance of information system in hotel business

Ⅱ. Case Analysis 1 – Wynhdam Case
Ⅲ. Case Analysis 2 – Korean Case
Ⅳ. Challenges in use Information System in Hotel Management


1. The characteristics of hotel business
The hospitality industry is very customers oriented and should change easily on the customers` preference and the condition of management environment. And because the stratum of customers change very fast, the hotels should face the various of the customers demands, all around the world.
Also the environment of this industry can be changed because of many causes, such as the quickly-altered customers needs, the new innovative technologies, and the highly effective new management methods. Due to these points, hotel should be prepared to the unstable environments. the hotels are seriously concerned about this problem, so they already accepted the IT-based reservation system all over the world. This makes the hotels can handle customer information much more effectively. But as we mentioned before, customers are demanding more and more. this is why some of the leading hotels of the world desperately want to adapt new way that can manage this needs; the CRM ways.

참고 자료

1. Medlik, S./ Ingram, H., 2000. 8, Business of Hotel, Butterworth-Heinemann
2. Interview with one of the Shilla hotel Seoul marketing officer(Mr. Park, joon-sung) and one of the Chosuns hotel CRM manager.
3. http://www.entrepreneur.com
4. http://www.hotel-online.com
5. http://www.en.wikipedia.org
6. WYNDHAM INTERNATIONAL REPORTS (8-K SEC Filing) (2004), (sec.edgar-online.com)
7. Wyndham Homepage, www.wyndham.com
8. The Shilla Seoul Homepage, http://www.shilla.net/
9. The Westin Chosun Homepage, http://www.echosunhotel.com/

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