"식품미생물학 (영문) 반건조 소세지 발효 과정과 그 응용 발표 PPT. 미생물 발효식품 발표 참고. 레퍼런스 포함."에 대한 내용입니다.
1. Introduction
2. How to reduce sodium
3. Discussions
• Essential for preservation and give unique flavor
• Composed of sodium ion and chlorine ion
• Sodium ion easily reacting with other substances
• Reacted salt harms our body
• Simple reduction doesn’t work
• Changes flavor
• Natural casing
sub-mucosa of small intestine
참고 자료
Bibek Ray, Arun Bhunia, Fundamental Food Microbiology, Fifth edition. 2014. pp202-205, 264-265
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