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Analysing English Sentences Second Edition중간정리

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
24페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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Analysing English Sentences Second Edition / Adrew Radford
중간범위(2. Words ~ 4. Null constituents ) 자세한 범위는 목차에 기재하였습니다.


Ⅰ. 2. Words
Ⅱ. 2.2 Grammatical categories
Ⅲ. 3. Structure
Ⅳ. 3.1 Overview
Ⅴ. 3.2 Phrases
Ⅵ. 3.3 Clauses
Ⅶ. 3.4 Specifiers
Ⅷ. 3.5 Intermediate and maximal projections
Ⅸ. 3.6 Testing Structure
Ⅹ. 3.7 Structural relations
XI. 3.8 Word order
XII. 4. Null constituents
XIII. 4.2 Null Subjects
XIV. 4.3 Null T in elliptical finite clauses
XV. 4.4 Null T in indicative clauses
XVI. 4.5 Null T in subjunctive clauses
XVII. 4.6 Null T in infinitive clauses and small clauses
XVIII. 4.7 Null C in finite clauses


C2. Words
-grammatical categories (=part of speech)
: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, determiner
-semantic criteria(traditional grammar)
I) Verbs denote actions (go, destroy, buy, eat)
→many verbs denote actions, but all verbs don’t denote action
state(like, know, think)
ii) Nouns denote entities (car, cat, hill, John)
→movement: denote action, but it’s not verb / it’s noun / nouns can denote action
state(love, peace, happiness) / concept(philosophy)
iii) Adjectives denote states (ill, happy, rich)
iv) Adverbs denote manner (badly, slowly, painfully, cynically)
→fast food(fast: adjective but it denotes manner)
v) Prepositions denote location (under, over, outside, in, on)
→Nouns can denote location(Cambridge, Jinju City)
⇒Such definition of grammatical category only based on semantic criteria as in traditional english grammar is not enough(not perfect)
-Because semantic criteria can give misleading results if not applied carefully, it’s generally more reliable to use morphosyntactic(morphological, syntactic) criteria to categorise words

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Analysing English Sentences Second Edition Adrew Radford

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