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Analysing English Sentences Second Edition기말정리

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36페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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Analysing English Sentences Second Edition / Adrew Radford
기말범위(4. Null constituents~7. A-bar Movement) 자세한 범위는 목차에 기재하였습니다.


4. Null constituents
4.7 Null C in finite clauses
4.8 Null C in infinitive clauses
4.9 Null complementisers and case-marking
4.10 Defective clauses
4.11 Null heads in nominals

5. Head Movement
5.2 Auxiliary Inversion
5.3 Triggering Auxiliary Inversion
5.4 CP recursion
5.5 Null operators
5.7 Head Movement
5.9 Auxiliary Raising
5.10 Do-support

6. Wh-Movement
6.2 Wh-movement
6.4 Driving Wh-movement
6.5 Subject questions
6.6 Pied-piping
6.7 Wh-Movement as copying
6.8 Long Wh-Movement
6.9 Constraints on movement

7. A-bar Movement
7.4 A Wh-Movement account of restrictive relatives
7.6 An Antecedent Raising account of restrictive relatives
7.7 Refining the Antecedent Raising analysis


4.7 Null C in finite clauses
(85) Speaker A: I am feeling thirsty Speaker B: Do you feel like a Coke?
→ A: CP / null declarative complementiser
B: CP / auxiliary do in C position
cf. I do not feel like a Coke; auxiliary do in T position

(89) Speaker A: What were you going to ask me?
Speaker B: (a) If you feel like a Coke
(b) Do you feel like a Coke?
(c) *If do you feel like a Coke?
→ (c) both of and do occur in the same C position

(90) [I am feeling thirsty], but [should I save my last Coke till later]?
→ two clauses joined together by the coordinating conjunction but. (Only constituents of the same type can be coordinated.)
[I am feeling thirsty] declarative clause: CP
[should~later] interrogative clause: CP

(91) (a) *That it is raining again
(b) *If you two know each other?
(c) *Whether you apologised?
→ (92) Root Complementiser Constraint
No overt complementiser can be the head of a root(main clause) projection in a language like English.

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Analysing English Sentences Second Edition / Adrew Radford

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