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Oxford bookworms, Jennifer Bassett.
This book is written by Jennifer Bassett. The background of this story is the opera house in Paris in 19th century. There is a rumor about phantom in the opera house and main story happens around phantom and opera house. Characters are opera ghost(erik), Christine Daae, Raul, La carlotta, Monsieur Armand, Monsieru Firmin, the persian, Madame Giry.One day, Annie Sorelli, who was a dancer, came shouting to the dressing room. She said she saw a ghost. He has a dead man`s face and doesn`t have a nose on his yellow face. But other dancers suspected if it would be a shadow. So Meg Giry told a story which was heard from her mother. Ghost was real. He always saw an opera in Box 5 with a flower left for her mom. All the dancers never stops the story about the opera ghost ever after the night performance. Then they heard about Joseph Buquet is dead. The opera ghost killed him!
New directors came into the opera house. They were Monsieur Armand and Monsieru Firmin. They talked about Joseph Buquet who died the previous day. They thougth that he must have killed himself instead of have been murdered. They got a letter from Opera ghost. The letter asked them to empty the Box 5 and give 20000 francs once a month.