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Communication skills of Good teachers

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


this essay defines effective communication and outlines specific strategies to encourage effective communication in the classroom. it is Supported by analysis with relevant examples from appropriate academic sources.




It is evident that one of the major problems of teaching comes from communication problems, therefore, the more effective communication is, the more efficient education becomes. It is important for teachers to have good communication skills in the classroom, in order to interact with their students through various forms of communication. Teachers can use not only non-verbal communication; such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, body movements, dress, and use of space, but also verbal communication; including language and speech like pitch, modulation, emphasis, pace and pause, and volume. In addition, such strategies encourages teachers and students to be interactive using these non-verbal and verbal skills.

참고 자료

Eunson, B 2006, Communication in the 21th Century, John Wiley and Sons Australia Ltd, Milton, Australia.

Brent, R & Anderson, P 1993, "Developing Children`s Classroom Listening Strategies", Reading Teacher, Vol.47, No.2, pp.122-126, viewed 30 August 2008, Google Scholar database, 9401061750.

Miller, P 1988, Nonverbal Communication : What Research Says to the Teacher, 3rd edn, National Education Association, Washington D.C., United States of America.

Kauchak, D & Eggen, P 2005, Introdction to Teaching : becoming a professional, 2nd edn, Pearson Education Inc, New Jersey, United States of America.

Visser, L 2006, The Teaacher`s Voice, Thomson Social Science Press, Victoria, Australia.
Ernsbarger, C 2002, “Simple, Affordable, and Effective Strategies for Prompting Reading Behavior”, Reading & Writing Quarterly, Vol.18, Issue3, pp.279-284, viewed 4 September 2008, Google Scholar database, 6885830.
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