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American Beauty
In 2000, American Beauty was the winner of the 72nd Academy award. The movie received a lot of praise from the audiences and critics because the director of American Beauty presents American societal problems clearly through Lesters family and his neighbors. What is more, this movie shows each character differently. There are three main characters who affect on audiences. The first character is Lester who leads the story of the movie. Secondly, Carolyn who is Lesters wife has opposite personality with Lester. The last character is Ricky who lives next to Lesters family and his family is shown contrastively with Lesters family.
Lesters family is living in a good house and they are seemed very happy. Lester is working for a magazine company, but he is hopeless and depressed. He feels best that is only doing masturbation in a shower booth. His wife, Carolyn, and his daughter, Jane, hate him and considered him to be stupid. Carolyn is a real estate agent and wants to be perfect for everything. Even though Lester and Carolyn might love each other, their marriage is just for others to show their pretend happy marriage. His only daughter, Jane, is a typical rebellious teenager who is adolescent.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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