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[경영]Wal Mart

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Wal Mart 발표조사 했던 레포트 입니다. 월마트 성공사례를 분석한 레포트입니다.


-The History of Wal-Mart
-Analysis of the Success of Wal-Mart
-securing the stable supply of goods
-the using of high-tech skills
-new carriage system of the goods


When I was young, there were many small-scale grocery shops in Korea. Those are not only the grocery shops but also like a social meeting places that people can get some information and talk about gossips; because owners and customers knew each other well. In addition, usually they were neighbors. However, nowadays, even in Korea, these kinds of shops are really hard to see, and also don’t have any competitiveness. In stead of those, current world is the world of large-size shops such as Wal-Mart. Since Wal-Mart, the markets have changed and the new rules occurred, and in the center of changing, there is Wal-Mart. The success of Wal-Mart is because of consumer-oriented management system.

The History of Wal-Mart
In 1962, Wal-Mart was founded by Sam Walton opened the store of which name was Wal-Mart. It was great success. In 1969, Wal-Mart became a corporation. Sam Walton kept opening its branches aggressively. Wal-Mart used many methods to grow the company. For instance, the Wal-Mart tried to collect many competent people and made comfortable company atmospheres to make people think and suggest their ideas freely. Especially, they focused on consumer satisfaction by using “Everyday Low Price (EDLP),” “Everyday Low Cost (ELCO)” Because of these successful strategies; Wal-Mart became the biggest company in the distribution industry in 1988. Now, Wal-Mart has around seven hundred stores throughout the world and is the biggest distribution company in the world.

참고 자료

 www.walmart.com
 Management mistakes & successes / Robert F. Hartley/ New York : Wiley, c1994
 Wal-Mart : a history of Sam Walton`s retail phenomenon / Sandra S. Vance, Roy V. Scott /New York : Twayne Publishers ; Toronto : Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; New York : Maxwell Macmillan International, c1994
 Interviewing Wal-Mart manager in Renton
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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