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외상 후 스트레스 장애 (심리학에세이)

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1. Abstract
2. psychological sociological cause of stress and pressure
3. Biological causes
4. Causes of post-traumatic stress disorder



Stress is an anxiety or threat that people feel when they are in a situation where they can not cope with psychological difficulties. Such stress is especially dangerous because it is a cause of depression and suicide. Because human beings can not avoid stress in their life, it is important to cope with stress. The circumstances under which we are stressed vary widely, and the specific causes are also complex. Stress can be said to be a stimulus, a reaction to an event, an object, or a person. The stimulus that causes this stress reaction is the stressor and the cause. However, it is difficult to study the cause of stress because some same stimuli can not be a stressor to all people, This is because while it represents the reaction of anxiety, to some people it may be accepted as a challenging factor by acting as a motive. First, for psychosocial reasons, stressors can be seen as a result of the complex interactions of social behavior with the reactions of our minds in interpreting such behavior.

참고 자료

Mind, Mood & Memory. (2018, May). How Are You Managing Your Stress? Psychological stress can adversely affect your physical health, while keeping you from enjoying even the simple things in life. Retrieved from http://go.galegroup.com.library.collin.edu/ps/ retrieve.do? tabID=T003&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&searchResultsType=SingleTab&searchType= BasicSearchForm¤tPosition=1&docId=GALE%7CA536928098&docType=Article&s ort=Relevance&contentSegment=&prodId=PPPC&contentSet=GALE%7CA536928098&sea rchId=R2&userGroupName=txshracd2497&inPS=true# Richard l., Haddy & Richard D. Clover. (2001). The Biological Processes In Psychological Stress. Retrieved from http://go.galegroup.com.library.collin.edu/ps/retrieve.do? tabID=T002&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&searchResultsType=SingleTab&searchType= BasicSearchForm¤tPosition=10&docId=GALE%7CA80299982&docType=Article&s ort=Relevance&contentSegment=&prodId=PPPC&contentSet=GALE%7CA80299982&sear chId=R2&userGroupName=txshracd2497&inPS=true James Halper. (2008, Nov). Sleep Disturbances: A Common and Challenging Symptom of PostTraumatic Stress Disorder. Retrieve from http://go.galegroup.com.library.collin.edu/ps/ retrieve.do? tabID=T003&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&searchResultsType=SingleTab&searchType= BasicSearchForm¤tPosition=1&docId=GALE%7CA189052161&docType=Article&s ort=Relevance&contentSegment=&prodId=PPPC&contentSet=GALE%7CA189052161&sea rchId=R9&userGroupName=txshracd2497&inPS=true
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