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다양한 영어토론 주제 및 그와 관련된 신문기사, 사설등을 스크랩한 자료로서 대학교 스터디 그룹에 사용하면 유용한 자료입니다.


Rich vs. Poor
Age Difference
Drinking Culture in Korea
Relationship between man and woman
Test of English for International Communication
Life is
what’s wrong with eating man’s best friend
Time Out
Early Retirement Trend
Opening market of Japanese popular cultures
Camera phones to be regulated
Human Relationships and Friends
Population Growth Hits 30-Year Low
Fast Food and Cholesterol
Emigration Fair at COEX a Hit
Women-only Electoral Districts Pushed
”English Immersion Town" in Seoul


According to the statistics, the wealthiest 20 percent of people in the world earn more than 82 percent of the world`s income. In the USA it is estimated that just 1 percent of the population holds 50 percent of the country`s wealth. And 26 million Americans - about 10% of the population - depend on free food to keep from going hungry.
The statistics are the same everywhere, even in the world`s most advanced countries. In 1997 Statistics Canada reported that 18% of all Canadians, including 1.5 million children, were living under the poverty line. In Australia, the number of homeless people doubled between 1988 and 1998.
All over the world, the gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider and wider with each passing year. The old adage, "the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer " was never truer than it is today.
This disparity in wealth is one of the unfortunate outcomes of capitalism. It occurs because the people who have money can afford the best education and therefore end up with the best jobs.
They invest their money and increase their wealth through business dealings, bank interest and stock dividends.
Poor people cannot afford good educations and end up with the lowest-paying jobs. They have no money to invest, since they have to concentrate on meeting their basic needs in life. It is said that while rich people invest their money and spend what is left over, poor people spend their money and invest what`s left.

참고 자료



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2024년 07월 27일 토요일
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