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組織形態가 敎育經營에 미치는 影響

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 10권 / 1호
저자명 : 黃熙喆


Ⅰ. 敎育經營의 定義
Ⅱ. 組織과 意思疏通의 關係
Ⅲ. 組織體內의 意思疏通에 관한 硏究와 結果
Ⅳ. 韓國 敎育經營에의 適用性

영어 초록

This paper is discussed into the following four major areas: the concepts of “educational management” and “organization”; the relationship between communication and organization structure; study on the effects of communication in different organization structures through existing research findings; and the implications of the existing research findings to the Korean educational management.
“Educational management” is defined as the process that includes policy-making of an educational organization, whereas “educational administration” is defined as the process that executes the prescribed organizational policy.
“Organization” is defined as a cooperative social system which attempts to achieve the prescribed goal through the means of effectiveness and efficiency. The writer's Organizational System of Educational Management in the form of the three dimensional block is introduced: the processes of educational mangement are presented on the top dimension; the sequences of the process are listed on the front dimension; and on the side dimension, the element which welds the processes and the sequences is shown.
The discussed existing researches are as follows: Worthy's study (1950 and 1959) on employee morale; Meltzer and Salter's study (1962) on job satisfactions of the U.S. physiologists; Porter and Lawler's study (1964) on the effects of “tall” and “flat” organization structures on managerial satisfaction; Porter and Siegel's study (1963) on the effects of “tall” and “flat” organization; Leavitt's study (1951) on communication patterns and group performance; Guetzkow and Simon's study (1955) on the impact of certain communication networks upon organization and performance; Carzo's study(1963) on communication effects on group effectiveness; Carzo and Yanouzas' study (1969) on the effects of flat and tall organization structure; Braveles and Barrett's study (1955) on communication networks and their effects on organization structure employees morale, etc; and Carpenter's study (1971) on formal organizational structural factors and perceived job satisfaction of classroom teachers. These findings suggested the effects of organization structural type-“tall” or “flat”-have no definite influence on the organizational success in most cases.
Presently Korean education is directed under the highly centralized governmental system. Many arguements and complaints against the centralized organization structure were heard among the educators and the educational administrators. These arguments raise the following questions to this writer: first, is the decentralization a must to accomplish the self-governing educational system?; second, is it absolutely impossible to advance education under the highly centralized educational system?: and third, do the Korean education must follow the other countrie's educational system such as the U.S. educational system blindly just because the United States is well advanced nation? With these reserved questions, the writer supports the necessity of centralized educational system in Korea particularly under the present national crisis. In summary, then, the writer suggests that the organization structure of the Korean educational management should be sudied further for the improvement in terms of “HOW” rather than “WHAT.”

참고 자료



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組織形態가 敎育經營에 미치는 影響
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