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[영문학]Shooting an elephant 감상문 (영작)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Shooting an elephant 의 감상문을 영작한 것입니다.




Sometimes I would see that child do a cruel thing. They kill many ants cruelly. Why so?
There were too many whys a man`s life. but I think people is born with evil nature. One of the evil nature appears to me that feeling good about breaking a weak being. In this novel, English is cruel to weak Indian. The writer is an Indian. but he`s job is affiliated with Engilh. He isplaced in a delicate position. When the elephant happening occur, he get a better glimpse about imperialism and understanding about the leader of English. Because he has a riffle . I think It stands for the privilege of ruler. He isn`t of a mind to kill the harmless elephant at that time. but after he look at the native faces all happy and excited over that the elephant is going to be shot, he shoots the elephant with the riffle feeling the native is like the English.
As he expect The crowd is very glad that in shooting an elephant. I can read evil natures of men and I try to understand imperialism as writer do. but I can`t do that.
What is happened If this writer might not shoot the elephant? If I stood in that situation with a gun , I never shot the elephant. because I know who really a fool is. Although the elephant kills the coolie ,the writer don`t in the least want to shoot peacefully eating an elephant.
I think it is important than the other`s wants to..and I`ll be the target of criticism.
But I never regret doing so. Contrary to the writer I believe if one person do something, It is not because he is "must", but because he is "willing"........

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영문학]Shooting an elephant 감상문 (영작)
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