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A+ 받은 유기화학실험 2_ Exp 8&9_Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reaction and Spectroscopic analysis (실험방법, 프리랩, 랩리포트 모음)

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8페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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Exp 8&9_Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reaction and Spectroscopic analysis
해당실험범위의 교과서, 실험방법, 프리랩, 랩리포트, 병합본 입니다.
랩리포트 보시면서 프리랩 부족하다 싶은거 채우시면 감점 확률 줄이실 수 있을 겁니다.

* 해당자료 감점 내용
프리랩 : MS spectroscopy에 관한 Principle이 없음(3점 감점)
랩리포트 : 없음


1. Background Information
2. Materials
3. Chemicals and Solvents
4. Key Laboratory Techniques
5. <Experimental Procedure>
6. Possible starting materials
7. 실험 목표
8. 원리 및 실험 방법
9. 사용되는 시약의 특성
10. 결과
11. 토의


The Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling is a palladium-catalyzed carbon-carbon bond forming reaction that is used in the synthesis of many valuable compounds such as pharmaceuticals, polymers, and agrochemicals. In a typical Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reaction, an arylboronic acid is combined (coupled) with an aryl or vinylic halide under basic conditions in the presence of a Pd-based catalyst to form a single bond between two sp2 -hybridized carbon atoms.

Cross-coupling is such an important transformation that the scientists who were integral in its development were recognized with the Nobel Prize in chemistry for 2010. Prof. Akira Suzuki shared the prize jointly with Richard Heck and Ei-ichi Negishi. The Heck and Negishi reactions, along with many other "named" Pd-catalyzed coupling reactions (such as the Sonogashira, Stille, Kumada and Buchwald-Hartwig reactions) are used widely in synthetic, pharmaceutical, and industrial chemistry.

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A+ 받은 유기화학실험 2_ Exp 8&amp;9_Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reaction and Spectroscopic analysis (실험방법, 프리랩, 랩리포트 모음)
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