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A+ 받은 유기화학실험 2_ Exp 5_Synthesis of Stilbene_Witting Reaction (실험방법, 프리랩, 랩리포트 모음)

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5페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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Exp 5_Synthesis of Stilbene_Witting Reaction
해당실험범위의 교과서, 실험방법, 프리랩, 랩리포트, 병합본 입니다.
랩리포트 보시면서 프리랩 부족하다 싶은거 채우시면 감점 확률 줄이실 수 있을 겁니다.

* 해당자료 감점 내용
프리랩 : cis-stilbene과 trans-stilbene 중 Major pdt가 무엇일지에 대한 설명 없음(2점 감점)
랩리포트 : 없음




Background Information:
Georg Wittig (1897) was a German chemist who developed new synthetic methods of considerable importance and studied reaction mechanisms. One of his most important achievements is the discovery of the reaction which bears his name, and for which he ear ned the 1979 Nobel Prize in Chemistry together with the American chemist H. G. Brown.
In the Wittig reaction, an organic phosphorus compound with a formal double bond between phosphorus and carbon is reacted with a carbonyl compound. The oxygen of the ca rbonyl compound is exchanged for carbon, the product being an alkene. This method of making alkenes has opened up new possibilities, not the least of which are for the synthesis of biologically active substances containing carbon to carbon double bonds. Fo r example, vitamin A and pharmaceuticals of the prostaglandin family have been synthesized industrially using the Wittig reaction.

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A+ 받은 유기화학실험 2_ Exp 5_Synthesis of Stilbene_Witting Reaction (실험방법, 프리랩, 랩리포트 모음)
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