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Research of Popular Culture of a Cafe and Life of its Waitress (Yeogeup) in Gyeongseong during the Japanese Colonial Period (focused on 1920s~1930s)

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"Research of Popular Culture of a Cafe and Life of its Waitress (Yeogeup) in Gyeongseong during the Japanese Colonial Period (focused on 1920s~1930s)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Body
1) The Advance, Development and Extinction of Café
2) The Reason Why People Came to Café and What They Did
3) Who Were the Witress(Yeogeup), What They Did in café and Social Stance of Them
4) The Popular Culture of Café as Social Issue

3. Conclusion



Sparsely placed tables, heavy with cigarette smoke, full of melody of Jazz, people dancing, drinking and waitresses serving them…This is a description of café (at that time, called 'Dabang') in 1920s~1930s in Korea. After 3.1 Undong, Japanese colonial government started so called “Cultural Government Policy”. For the effect of it, culture of drinking, eating, seeing, hearing something and decorating bodies became prevalent to people. At first, in 1920s, Japanese opened up café in bonjung and it spereaded to namchon. Successively, Korean opened up café in bukchon. In late 1920s, a cafés got popularity among Korean. In 1933, the number of it was 420 and it grows up to 802 in 1942. It sells coffee, snacks and various kinds of liquor such as whiskey, cocktail, Japanese drink, Korean refined rice wine and so on. Many people including the intellectuals (so called ‘Jisik-in’), the rich even the students come to café and spend time talking with others, smoking, listening to music,......<중 략>

참고 자료

Im Jeong Yeon, “A Study on Modern Love and Daily Affairs of the Intellectuals in 1920s”, Ihaweomunhakoe Vol. 24 (2007)
Kang Chan Ho, “The history of coffee in Korea found in the literature-focusing on the time of enlightenment and the Japanese colonial period”, Research of Tourism Vol.28 No.3 (2013)
Kim Nam Cheon, “The Question of Women’s Occupation”, Yeoseong Vol.5 No.12 (1940)
Kim Yeon Hui, “The Urban Cultural Character of Café under Japanese Colonialism”, Seoul: University of Seoul (2002)
Lee Myeong Seon, “A Study on forming identity of ‘New Woman’ during the colonial period - focusing on relationship between sex distinction and sexuality”, Seoul: Ihwa Women’s University (2002)
Nam Geyong Hwa, “(A) Study on Teaching Life History through the Intellectual Novel Written during the Japanese Colonial Period”, Chungcheongbuk-do : Korea National University of Education (2009)
Suh Ji Young, “Café Waitress in Colonial Korea: An Analysis of Waitress Magazine『Yeoseong』”, Journal of Korean Women’s Studies Vol.19 No.3 (2003)
U Ji Hyeon, “The Entry of Women in Jobs and Their Social Conflicts in 1920s and 1930s”, Seoul: Myeongji University (2009)
Hyeon Jin Geon, Sulgwonhaneunsahoe, 1921.
Park Yun Seok, Gyeongseong Modern Times, Seoul: Munhakdongnae, 2014.
Kim Jin Song, Seoule Ttansuhoreul Heohara, Seoul: Hyonsilmunhwa Yongu, 1999.
Kim Tae su, Kkotgachi Pieo Maehokke Hara, Seoul: Hwangsojari, 2005.
Byeolgeongon, October, 1932.
Dongailbo, March 10th, 1924.
Dongailbo, September 29th, 1929.
Dongailbo, November 25, 1929.
Gang Jeong Hui, “Is yeogeup is a workingwoman?”, Sinyeoseong, October, 1932.
Gyeongmuchwibo, October, 1934.
Jang Yeong Sun, ‘How I could become yeogeup – Don’t contempt this job’, Sinyeoseong, March, 1933.
Joseonilbo, January 14th, 1930.
Joseonilbo, January 21st, 1932.
Silsaenghwal, July, 1932.

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Research of Popular Culture of a Cafe and Life of its Waitress (Yeogeup) in Gyeongseong during the Japanese Colonial Period (focused on 1920s~1930s)
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