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[영문] 중국 스마트폰 시장 분석 및 삼성의 문제점 및 대책, Analysis of Chinese smartphone industry in relation to Samsung (Porter's 5 forces, PEST, SWOT)

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18페이지로 이루어진, 중국스마트폰 시장 분석과 삼성의 전략,문제점 및 대책입니다.

Porter's five forces, PEST, SWOT Analysis등이 사용되었고

하버드 스타일 Referencing이 되어있으며, 해외 대학 논문 제출용으로 작성 되었으며. 좋은 성적을 받았었습니다. 여러곳에 활용 될 수 있을 것 같습니다.


1. Introduction 2

2. Analysis of Chinese smartphone industry with theoretical frameworks Industry
1) introduction 3
1-1) Feature of Chinese smartphone industry 5
2) Porter’s five forces of analysis 6
3) PEST model analysis of general environment 8

3. General information and analysis of Samsung
1) Samsung’s history and Background 10
2) SWOT Analysis of Samsung Smartphone 11

4. Problem identification
1) Losing technological brand identity with rising in Chinese competitors 13
2) Different political system and Strong protectionism 14

5. Solution 15

6. Conclusion 17

7. References 18


3. Introduction
Samsung is undoubtedly well known in the global smartphone market as the largest smartphone
manufacturing company. Galaxy S was the initial line up in Samsung Electronics when talking
about this premium smartphone lineup. Taking dominating android as evidence, Samsung has
a dominant global market share of approximately 20% due to its strong brand equity and a wide
range of products line (Counterpoint Research, 2019). Globally, Samsung is facing
unprecedented financial crisis owing to market saturation as well as emerging threatening
challengers. This is more evident in Chinese market where Samsung is considered to possess
sluggish market in Chinese market. Samsung market share deteriorated in China’s smartphone market where it was known to have less than 1% of market of share in 2018 in the smartphone
market in China. Red ocean occurrence is faced by Samsung due to high number of competitors
in smartphone sector in China. Samsung used to take the lead in China’s smartphone market in
2012, taking lead ahead of Huawei, Lenovo and Apple.

참고 자료

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[영문] 중국 스마트폰 시장 분석 및 삼성의 문제점 및 대책, Analysis of Chinese smartphone industry in relation to Samsung (Porter's 5 forces, PEST, SWOT)
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