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[영작]Korean War

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


이번 영작을 통해 다시한번 6.25의 의의를 되새기는 날이 되었습니다. 어설픈 영작... ㅈㅅ합니돠~




The Korean War (1950/06/25) was started from North Korea with no proclamation of war and action code 'Pok-Poong(=storm)'. It wasn't just Korean War. It was intervened by Russia and China in North, United States including UN in South. So it could be compared with WWII. North President, <Kim, Il-Sung> had a plan to make South as communist by war.
In South, there was 0% of tanks and just few soldiers were opposing. But the North, who had huge troops came down very fast. But most of people who lived in Seoul didn't leave 'cause President Lee's saying "We will beat them, so don't worry" was coming out from radio. But at that time Lee was already left Korea and his voice was recorded. So that made more people bring to death. In July 5th, there was the first battle with unit 'Smith' but they were defeated by losing 150 soldiers, 72 for prisoner of war just in 6hrs. Two days later UN was established by British & France and made a military aid program to help US Army. So total 21 countries(16 for dispatch troops, 5 for medical) joined the program. After they had lots of battles. We didn't had chance to win but just losing another city. July 25th, we gave every city to North except Busan where final battle will start. There were battle for 2 months and there was hard time that even US Army had plan to move to Japan but darkness was changing to hope.

참고 자료



판매자 유형Bronze개인


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