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[영작문] [레포트/감상문] 윌리엄 터너

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최종 저작일
7페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기




A British drama called Doctor Who once televised an episode about Vincent van Gogh. Even though I didn't know anything about art and paintings, I was impressed by the way he looked the world. He captured how stars shine, how wind blows in his painting. William turner also looked the world specially. He was genius of expression of light. He used to mix thousands colours to make sunset.
As we all know, Vincent van Gogh cut his ear and after that, he voluntarily admitted himself to the lunatic asylum in Saint-Remy. Saint-Remy was peaceful place and he drew the most 'swirling' paintings in his life in there. During this period, he produced some of the best-known works of his career, including <The Starry Night>.

<중 략>

<The Starry Night> is not only painting that Gogh drew in Saint-Remy. Vincent van Gogh painted at least 18 paintings of olive trees in his entire life and most of them was painted in Saint-Remy. He lived at an asylum, painting the gardens of the asylum, olive trees, and cypresses. Painting the countryside and trees restored Van Gogh's connection to nature through art.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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