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연세대, 조직행동론, 전략경영, 3M Case 분석 레포트

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최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기




The 3M Company, also formerly known as the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, is a global conglomerate powerhouse, which specializes for 60,000 products used in homes, businesses, schools, hospitals and more. 3M officially started off as a small-scale mining venture in 1902, when the five founders saw an opportunity in Crystal Bay, a mine to be known rich for corundum. Unfortunately, the mine didn’t produce much corundum, however, something of much greater importance was born that year – the spirit of innovation. In 1995, 3M received US government’s highest award for innovation, the National Medal of Technology and Innovation. Over a 20-year period, 3M has been consistently ranked in the top 20, in Fortune magazine for “America’s Most Admired Corporations”.
How do they do it? One of the key strengths of 3M to create strong longevity for ‘Culture of innovation’ is how it treats its employees. The 3M Code of Conduct highly aims to create an ethical and law-abiding environment where employees feel safe and free to develop their own ideas.

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연세대, 조직행동론, 전략경영, 3M Case 분석 레포트
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