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Elizabeth Barrett Browning as a woman

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1. 본문
2. 참고자료


Devoting her life to wiritng poems, Elizabeth Barrett Browning was not only one of the most popular English Poet during the Victorian era but also a religious woman, a romantic Robert’s lover and a mother of a child.

She was a religious woman and most of her works have religious themes. She was born and brought in the deeply religious household. Also, Most Victorian Women living in a male-dominated society could not go beyond nomal boundaries of social and political classes. A french feminist, Simone de Beauvoir insisted that Victorian women tried to find their religious transcedence by believing in God and they considered that God’s transcedence was superior to male’s (3). In Aurora Leigh featuring religious imagery and allusions, Elizabeth barrett browning suggests that women also can be great christian poets by depicting Aurora Leigh as an independant and intelligent woman poet who succeeds in both love and work.

참고 자료

Donaldson, Sandra. "" Motherhood's Advent in Power": Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Poems About Motherhood." Victorian Poetry (1980): 51-60.
Lewis, Linda M. Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Spiritual Progress: Face to Face with God. University of Missouri Press, 1998.
Scheinberg, Cynthia. Women's Poetry and Religion in Victorian England: Jewish Identity and Christian Culture. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Wikipedia contributors. "Elizabeth Barrett Browning." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 5 Oct. 2014. Web. 9 Oct. 2014.
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