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개고기 식용의 대해서 (영어)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,500원 할인쿠폰받기


I. Background about eating dog meat
A. The origin of eating dog
B. The way to cook dog meat
C. What are the pros?
1. Eating dog meat can save on costs for disposing abandoned dogs, ease environmental pollution, and provide food for people.
2. Dog meat broth made with herbs is considered medicinal, and is often prescribed by oriental medicine doctors in Korea for curing ailments.
3. Improves virility, and women’s skin conditions.
D. How prevalent is it in Korea?
1. Dog meat is not very prevalent in Korea.
2. 2 million dogs are slaughtered for food each year.
3. 5th most consumed meat in Korea, following chicken, pork, beef and duck.
4. The National Assembly in 2006 showed that 55.3 percent of Korean adults had tried eating dog meat at least once.

II. The reason why people protest about eating dog meat include:
A. The process which dogs are turned into meat is cruel
B. Dogs are man’s best friend
C. Dogs have emotions like humans have
1. Counterview- Every single living thing has emotions.
2. Counterview- Even pigs what almost every country eat, are smarter than 3 years old human babies.
3. Counterview- People say dogs are generally loyal. But dogs are not loyal because they choose to be loyal.

III. The reason why people agree to eat dog meat
A. It’s part of their culture
1. Every country has different meal cultures. We should respect that.
2. One saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”
3. Dogs are just like any animal, not more, not less.
4. It’s okay to eat cows, pigs, and chickens but not dogs?
5. Some other foods that people wouldn’t understand (Balut, horsemeat, Foie Gras)
6. For Muslims, eating pork is forbidden.
B. Pet dogs are not slaughtered to eat

IV. Conclusion
My opinion


As a Korean, eating dog doesn’t surprise me. I personally like to eat dog meat. I chose this topic as my final project because when I went back to Korea with my host family who is American, we saw some Korean people protesting about eating dog meat. My host family was kind of “freaked out”. They said “Yes, they must not eat dog!” I replied “It’s okay, it tastes really good; and besides, we don’t eat pet dogs;” however, they couldn’t comprehend it at all. So, we ended up arguing on this topic.

< 중 략 >

There is a thing that people don’t understand about American culture too. As I am Korean, I don’t really understand why many American people hunt wild animals and then protest eating dogs because they respect dogs’ lives. I am not talking about people hunting wild animals and eating them, but I am talking about going hunting for fun. If people respect animals’ lives, hunting wild animals should also be stopped. Some Americans eat deer meat. This might shock a lot of Koreans. I have never thought about eating deer before I came to the U.S. This might make some people think Americans are cruel.

참고 자료

Ann, Young-geun. “Should dog meat be banned?”
8 August. 2011. Web.
Cameron, Tim. “The 6 Most Terrifying Foods in the World.” Cracked.com
11 Oct. 2007. Web. 10 Oct. 2012.
“Dog &#8211; It’s What’s for Dinner” askakorean.com
30 Aug. 2009. Web. 15 Oct. 2012.
Foster, Peter. “Eating Dog Meat? Well, If It’s Good Enough For an Astronaut…”
The Telegraph. 13 May 2010. Web. 15 Oct. 2012.
Jones, Michael O. “What’s Disgusting, Why, and What Does It Matter?” Journal of Folklore
Research, 37.1 ,2000: 1 page. Print.
Dictionary naver.com
Saletan, William. “Wok the Dog: What’s Wrong With Eating Man’s Best Friend?” Slate
16 Jan. 2002. Web. 10 Oct. 2012.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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