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미생물 실험 결과 report Isolation of microbes

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


미생물 실험 결과 레포트입니다~
실험 과정, 결과, 디스커션 상세합니다
레포트 점수 A 받았습니다


1 Purpose
2 Materials
3 Procedure
4 Observation & Data
5 Discusison
6 Question
7 Reference


[Spread-plate method]
1. Prepare MRS agar and Kimchi(김치)A & B Diluent(102, 103, 104).
2. Take 0.1㎖ diluent by using pipette. (here to the end, do every procedure in the clean bench)
3. Spray the diluent to MRS agar.
4. Do flaming burning the spreader with alcohol lamp.
5. Sear the edge of the medium with the spreader to cool it.
6. Smear the diluent evenly by using spreader until the all liquid is absorbed.
7. Turn over the medium during 5 minutes to be absorbed the liquid completely.
8. Do flaming burning the spreader again.

[Streaking method]
1. Do flaming burning the platinum pool with alcohol lamp in the clean bench.
2. Sear the edge of the strain medium with the platinum pool.
3. Scoop up a colony of the strain medium and bring it to the new MRS agar.
4. Do streaking the platinum pool by 3 steps.
⇒ From the start form, rotate the medium right of more than 90° and streak again.
⇒ Between each step, do flaming burning and cool the platinum pool.
5. Do flaming burning the platinum pool in the end.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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미생물 실험 결과 report   Isolation of microbes
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