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[Robert Mondavi Case Study]미국 와인 산업 US Wine Industry

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
35페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Robert Mondavi and The Wine Industry Case Study를 바탕으로 하여 미국 와인산업과 향후 와인 핀매량과 와인 섹터(레드와인, 화이트와인 등) 별로 미래 성장가능성을 예상해 보았습니다.


1. Background
2. Market Information
3. Nature Of Customers
4. Competition
5. Company Profiles
6. Other Environmental Information
7. Sources


Industry History
-American wine first gained prominence in the 19th century.
-Ohio was the first state to successfully grow wine grapes.
-Spanish missionaries brought grapes to California and Texas.
-The wine industry has not regained its size prior to prohibition.

Wine in the US
-Wine competes with several substitute beverages in the US, primarily other alcoholic beverages.
-The American culture historically has seen wine as a luxury beverage, not suitable for consumption on a daily basis.

<중 략>

How the Economy affects the US Wine Industry
-Wine consumption does not decrease during economic downturns.
-Demand softens for ultra-premium and luxury wines and increases for lower priced wines.
-Vintners and growers cited a “continued economic downturn” as the most significant constraint to industry growth (ahead of global competition, wine/distributor consolidation, and production constraints).

참고 자료

Euromonitor.com: Information concerning recent trends in sectors, market segment data, forecasts, market share information, customer demographics and company profiles.
Business Source Premier article “Moving Forward”: Regional data of US wine consumption
History-of-Wine.com: Everything from the history of wine, wine production around the world, the popularity of wine in various regions
Winebusiness.com: Retail wine sales information from the end of September 2002.
Hoovers.com: Company Profiles
WineryExchange.com: Market Segments
RobertMondavi.com: Price Segment offering information, company information
Constellationbrands.com: Company Information
Gallo.com: Company Information
California Association of Winegrowers (cawg.org): Industry News, per capita consumption statistics
Forbes, January 6, 2003, p 118: “Seeing Stars.”: Company information
Wine Business Monthly
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[Robert Mondavi Case Study]미국 와인 산업 US Wine Industry
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