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policy window에 대해서 알아보고자 한다.


1. The Policy window
2. What are Policy Windows and why do they open?
3. Why windows open and close?
4. three "streams" in the policy process
5. Windows &Coupling
6. Participants: Visible vs Hidden
7. policy entrepreneurs
8. Spillovers
9. Case study
10. Conclusion


-The Policy window is an opportunity for advocates to push their pet solutions, or to push attention to their special problems.
A problem is recognized, a solution is developed and available in the policy community, a political change makes it the right time for policy change, and potential constraints are not severe.
What are Policy Windows and why do they open?
-Windows open in policy systems.
The opportunities for action, on given initiative, present themselves and stay open for short periods.
The participants must take advantage or wait for another window.
What are Policy Windows and why do they open?
Policy windows happen when separate streams come together.
*governmental agenda- list of subjects to which(빼버려) people in and around government are paying serious attention.
*decision agenda- proposals moved into position for legislative enactment or under review for a decision.
What are Policy Windows and why do they open?
-Decision agenda does not always mean enactment or favorable bureaucratic decision. Some items moved ahead of others because they stand a decent chance of enactment.
Also, without window some items never rise on the agenda because advocates conclude it isn’t worth their time to invest in them.
They want them to bear fruit.
Also there is no bargaining when no policy window.
Instead stake out extreme position early then bargain when window opens.
Why windows open and close?
-Windows open
the attention of government officials.
-Window closes

참고 자료



Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies –JOHN W. KINGDON
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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