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Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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history 101 수업에서 제출했던 손자병법 영문 독후감입니다. A+ 받았습니다.




The author of “The Art of War” is Sun Tzu born in 544 BCE and died in 496BCE. He is very famous person who has great military art skill in history. Real name is Sun Wu. Sun Tzu born in the state of Qi state, china. At this time China divided by seven nations. At this time period, seven nations had a lot of wars all the time. According to Sima Qian, At one day the King of Wu tested Sun Tzu’s commanding skills. Sun Tzu successfully complete test. Finally he became a military career and wrote the Art of War based on his experiences. The Art of War is ranked on record of best sellers list on sold entire world. It contains a letters from other military philosophers so that can compare with author’s opinion. The book is not only for military officers. Among political leaders and business management. The Art of war addresses strategy in a broad fashion. Well, Sun Tzu wrote stories from war but also advocates diplomacy and cultivating relations with other nations as essential to the health of the state. It’s because Sun Tzu was a famous earliest realist in international relations theory. His book became a popular since AD 760 at Japan, and in recent times, Napoleon studied Sun Tzu’s military. The book has 13 chapters to published including experiment and experiences. It’s all about based on military story but also can apply on minds of current time age people.

The Art of War has 13 chapters to read on a book. Each chapter contains different titles with stories. All of stories wrote on based on Sun Tzu’s experiences and studies. First thing, he cares about five key elements on fight. Mission, climate, ground, leadership, and methods. A plan can be successfully complete when all these five key basic elements are met together. Sun Tzu required understanding economic system with military studies. Every fight, country needs to pay for soldier’s salary, weapon, shields, food, and other stuffs.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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