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미국대학 과제_경제학_기능성 음료 산업조사 및 분석_UNC-CH_Functional Beverage Industry

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
29페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"미국대학 과제_경제학_기능성 음료 산업조사 및 분석_UNC-CH_Functional Beverage Industry"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Definition of Industry
2. Major Products of Industry
3. Major companies and their Market Share
4. Revenue and Profit
5. Fixed Cost and other Costs
6. Barriers to Entry
7. Is this Industry Growing?
8. Major companies and Brands
9. History and Important Characteristics of the Three Major Companies
10. Competition Between Companies
11. What is special about each firms?
12. Vertical Integration
13. Horizontal Integration
14. Price Discrimination
15. Product Differentiation
16. Marketing Strategy
17. The trends of the Fruit Juice and Functional Beverage Industry
18. Recent Uprising Problems in the Beverage Industry
19. Unique and Wild Beverages
20. Modeling



Although the development of beverages is fairly straightforward, the production can be costly. Industry input prices are volatile and machinery requires a significant initial investment. Instead of making this investment, many companies choose to contract production out to soft drink producers that already possess such technology and can better absorb input cost fluctuations.
Opportunities for small scale operators exist in new product development. Consumers are willing to pay for exotic experiences and fine quality beverages. Although initial costs are still high, niche products can often succeed regionally and even nationally as online ordering becomes increasingly popular. While it can be difficult to enter the industry and achieve national scale, there are relatively medium barriers to entry to create a beverage business that caters to local customers. There have been many beverage companies that started that way, only later to be acquired by a national company.

참고 자료

Mott’s 50 percent, same price http://www.seriouseats.com/2008/09/motts-apple-juice-selling-50-percent-100-same-price.html
History and Important Characteristics of Three Major Company
Innovations in Fruit and Vegetable Juices, Reports and Briefs Report published by Business Insights on 05 October 2010, http://360.datamonitor.com.libproxy.lib.unc.edu/Product?pid=BI00012-046
Emerging Opportunities in Fruit and Vegetable Juices, Reports and Briefs Report published by Business Insights on 17 November 2008, http://360.datamonitor.com.libproxy.lib.unc.edu/Product?pid=BI00012-024
Vertical Integration
The Top 10 Soft Drinks Companies, Reports and Briefs Report published by Business Insights on 15 February 2010, http://360.datamonitor.com.libproxy.lib.unc.edu/Product?pid=BI00012-039
Horizontal Integration
"Strategic management: an integrated approach" by Charles W. L. Hill and Gareth R. Jones, page 305
The Top 10 Soft Drinks Companies, Reports and Briefs Report published by Business Insights on 15 February 2010, http://360.datamonitor.com.libproxy.lib.unc.edu/Product?pid=BI00012-039
Ingredient trends http://www.bevindustry.com/Articles/Feature_Articles/BNP_GUID_9-5-2006_A_10000000000000591419
Cap water overuse (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/22/business/energy-environment/22iht-rbog-beverage-22.html?_r=1&pagewanted=1&src=busln)
Packaging http://www.foodmanufacturing.com/scripts/Products-Beverage-Industry-Trends.asp
New Substitute Good http://www.americanconsumernews.com/2009/10/coconut-water-trend-hopes-to-crack-open-the-beverage-industry.html
Consumption Trend http://www.beveragemarketing.com/?section=pressreleases
Competition between companies
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미국대학 과제_경제학_기능성 음료 산업조사 및 분석_UNC-CH_Functional Beverage Industry
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