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1940년대 항일무장단체의 실상

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 동국사학회 수록지정보 : 동국사학 / 43권
저자명 : 김주용


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 군대 창설
Ⅲ. 군대의 조직과 활동
Ⅳ. 군대의 역할과 위상
Ⅴ. 맺음말

한국어 초록

일제강점기 세계 곳곳에서 전개된 한국독립운동에서 가장 주목되는 점은 군대 창설과 이를 통한 독립운동일 것이다. 1937년 7월 일제의 중국 침략이 본격화되면서 중국 관내의 독립운동 단체는 새로운 방략을 통해 독립운동을 전개하였다. 그 결실이 한국광복군과 조선의용대의 창설이었다. 뿐만 아니라 만주지역에서도 1932년 만주국의 성립으로 위축된 항일무장세력이 중국과의 연합 속에서 새로운 활로를 모색하였다. 즉 동북항일연군의 한인부대가 그것이다.

영어 초록

Most attention point in Korean Independence Movements is ‘Army’
establishment and Independence Movements grounded that under Japanese Rule
of Korea. Korean Independence Movements organization within the jurisdiction of
China evolved Independence Movements by new policy in The Sino-Japanese War
July, 1937. The realization was The Independence Army of Korea(韓國光復軍)
and The Korean Volunteer Army(朝鮮義勇隊)’s establishment. Also, Anti-Japan
military army was shrinking due to establishment of Manchuria nation in 1932.
They groped new a way out of a difficulty by combination with China. The
realization was Korean Unit of The Northeast Anti-Japan Allies(東北抗日聯軍).
To the oppressed people are important, establishment of Independence army
led out more efficient and more strong Independence Movements for overcame
limitations of guerrilla warfare or at a shot force fighting. However, this ‘army’
establishments encountered with another limitations. It was external environment
change. especially the relationship with China was decided position of ‘army’
important factor.
The Independence Army of Korea(韓國光復軍) led out cooperation founded
Korea-China friendship of the Kuomintang(國民黨) that connected directly
Korean provisional government(大韓民國臨時政府)’s autonomy. China limited
role of The Independence Army of Korea(韓國光復軍), by reason of Korean
provisional government(大韓民國臨時政府) approval. Hence, Korean provisional
government(大韓民國臨時政府) endeavored for autonomy security by stress The
Independence Army of Korea(韓國光復軍) was Korean provisional government’s
army. The Independence Army of Korea(韓國光復軍) would like to occupied
superiority of nation establishment after liberation.
None the less because effort of The Korean Volunteer Army(朝鮮義勇隊(軍)),
They has limitations about their own military course owing to under command
of China’s The Armed Services Committee. Hwabook(華北) Area wasn’t exception
too. Similarly The Korean Volunteer Army(朝鮮義勇隊), The Northeast
Anti-Japan Allies(東北抗日聯軍) has charge of dual role too. Particularity of
Korean Unit of The Northeast Anti-Japan Allies was absolutely proposition as how
‘Korean independence’ and Korea-China cooperation.
In a word, previous mentioned three Korean Independence Movements
organization endeavored for kept up army’s originality. In the event, The
Independence Army of Korea(韓國光復軍) led out ‘Nine fixed rule’ abolition of
China. Also The Korean Volunteer Army(朝鮮義勇軍) and The Northeast
Anti-Japan Allies(東北抗日聯軍) took aim their own course through superiority
with China. However They has limitations. China laid stress upon usefulness of
Korean Independence Movements organization. As well, about restricted take their
own course. At this point, Korean Independence Movements organization were get
cooperation by China. also They run parallel autonomy security. The Independence
Army of Korea(韓國光復軍) showed autonomy and globalization of Korean
Independence Movements by recruitment and proclamation, cooperation together
with Combined force(聯合軍)

참고 자료



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