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權鈞의 中宗反正 참여와 그 활동

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
20페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,900원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 동국사학회 수록지정보 : 동국사학 / 43권
저자명 : 최효식


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 시대적 상황
Ⅲ. 권균의 활동
Ⅳ. 중종반정
Ⅴ. 맺음말

한국어 초록

忠成公權鈞(1464~1526)은 본관이 안동으로 연산?중종 때 활약한 모
가면 산내리 사람이다. 그는 폭군 연산군 때 고위직을 지내면서 朴元宗등
이 中宗反正을 일으킬 때 적극적으로 참여하였다. 당시 중종반정에 대하여
燃藜室記述 제6권 연산군조 고사 본말에는
대체 반정의 일은 成希顔에게서 계획이 나와 朴元宗이 완성하였다. 위태함
을 편안하게 만들고 재화를 복으로 변하게 하였으니 실로 동방의 만세사업이
었다. 다만 성희안은 성실이 과단성은 있었으나 학술이 없었으며, 柳順汀은
천성이 너그럽고 나약하여 집심이 없었으며, 박원종은 추솔하고 사나우며 견
식이 없었다. 비록 충성과 절의에 북받쳐 공을 이루게 되었으나, 뒤처사가 마
땅함을 잃었으니, 전에 입은 은혜로 賊臣柳子光을 용납하여 뒷날에 화의 터
를 닦아 놓고, 자질구레한 인아친척들이 모두 철권을 받게 되고, 뇌물의 많고
적은 것으로서 훈공의 등급을 정하였으니 連車續狗의 허물은 지금까지도 비
난거리가 되었다.
라고 하여, 성희안?박원종?유순정 등이 주동한 중종반정1)은 조선 왕조
를 위태함에서 구하여 우리나라의 만세 사업으로 바꿔 놓은 커다란 사건으
로 기록되어 있다. 이에 권균은 고위직인 공조판서로 있으면서 반정거사에
흔쾌히 참여하여 4등공신이 되었다. 본고에서는 권균에 초점을 두어 그의
가계, 활동 등을 규명해 보고자 한다.

영어 초록

Choongsunggong(忠成公), Gyun Kwon(權鈞: 1464-1526, GK) took
positively part in Jungjong-banjeong(中宗反正) and became the fourth degree
Gongshin(四等功臣). His ancestral seat(本貫) was Andong Kwon lineage and his
birthplace was Moga Myeon Sanna Li. This thesis aims to investigate into GK’s
Participation into incident of treason which was called Jungjong-vangeong, his
lineage, and his activities.
With go away the reign period from King Sejong to King Seongjong, in due
to the Promulgation of the Great Constitution of the Kingdom, known Gyeongguk
Daejeon(經國大典), the Choson Dynasty built on the centralized administration
system, and begun to raise a high level of culture. After Yeonsangun(燕山君,
YSG) acceded to the throne, in 4th year of his regime, YSG acted in collusion
with the Hungu(勳舊: Meritorious Power) faction, begun housecleaning of the
Literati Purge in 1498(戊午士禍) in order to castrate the Sarim(士林) faction,
who claimed to stand for the moral sense theory by taking an initiative in political
development. In other words, the moral sense theory was integrated into the Being
a saintly monarch theory. After the Literati Purge in 1498, with the Hungu
faction holding politically a dominant position with the royal palace faction, the
reign of YSG fell into the extreme of decadence and corruption. Accordingly, the
Sarim faction firstly tried to overthrow YSG, but the Hungu Faction took the
lead in dethronement of the tyrant.
GK comes from in Moga Myeon Sanna Li at Icheon(利川) of today. His
ancestral seat(本貫) was Andong Kwon Lineage, and his another adult name was
Jungkyung(正卿) or Yeongchang Buwongun(永昌府院君). He was appointed to
the post of Woouijung(high state councillor) at the end of his life. According to
Kwon O-Whon(權五勳)’s Yonggaoheonlok(永嘉言行錄), GK’s Family lineage had
flourished enough to produce 9 BuwonGun in the late Goryeo Dynasty.
GK succeed in State Examinations(科擧) at the age of 23, and had mainly
filled government posts such as Taegan(臺諫). He tried to pass Samasi(司馬試)
in 17th year of Seongjong’s regime(1486) and made the grade for the civil service
examination in 1491. He assumed the office of Geomyeol(檢閱) in the
Yemoonkwan(藝文館) and the post of Juseo(注書) in the Seungjeongwon(承政
院). In the end, he was promoted to the office of Busoochan(副修撰) in the
Hongmungwan(弘文館, Office of Special Advisers), and simultaneously, took on
the editorship of Seongjong Sillok(成宗實錄). However, he did not assume another
government post, with the exception of Taegan or advisor post. In the first year
of YSG, when the king proclaimed the installation of the Crown Prince, GK
rendered distinguished services in the question of the Crown Prince, held an
additional position of an instructor(輔德) in the Sigangwon(侍講院) known as the
Crown Prince educational institution, besides the post of Sagan(司諫) at the
Saganwon(司諫院). In a little time, he was selected for Dongbusungji(同副承旨)
of the Saganwon. Under the reign of tyrant YSG, GK was nominated upper level
positions such as Dosungji(都承旨) and work ministry(工曹判書), and had YSG’s
deep confidence.
Nonetheless, when YSG became an oppressive king, GK took part in
Jungjong-banjeong. In my view, GK have enjoyed King Jungjong’s confidence,
come into close relation with the New comers such as Cho Kwang-jo(趙光祖),
and become a civil official and a scholar who work on positive lines in some of
social reform.

참고 자료



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