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[영문감상문] 메트릭스 3 - The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


철학과 액션영화 메트릭스 영화 감상문입니다. 6페이지 분량입니다.
All in all, Revolutions is an intelligent, entertaining, beautiful, sad and moving picture.


The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

1. Introdcution

2. Synopsis

3. Closing


The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

1. Introdcution
Like most others, I loved the Matrix. And like a lot of others, I was underwhelmed with Reloaded. But for Revolutions, I came out pretty happy. You do see an end, and there are some surprises. But I was still left with important unanswered questions, and that`s kind of inexcusable for the finale in a 7 hour trilogy.
What Matrix Revolutions brings to the table is a giant war. The machines have reached the last human city, Zion. It`s the last stand for the humans, and Neo must make a choice that could bring him face-to face with the machine city and a possible end to the war. All in all, Revolutions is an intelligent, entertaining, beautiful, sad and moving picture. The film`s events are immediately following those of The Matrix Reloaded and assume familiarity with the story of the last two films. Let`s look into this film.

2. Synopsis
Bane/Smith and Neo are both in an unconscious state. The former is said to be merely asleep, whereas neural patterns of Neo are identical to those of people who are connected to the Matrix.

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[영문감상문] 메트릭스 3 - The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
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