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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


발레 지젤에 대한 비평입니다.


A. Basic Information
B. The Choreographic Concept
C. General Performance
D. Production
E. Viewpoint – did you enjoy this ballet? Why or why not?


Ballet Performance Critique
- Giselle -

B. The Choreographic Concept
1. Description of the mood, idea/theme of the ballet
- In Giselle, the mood of act 1 and act 2 was different each other. The setting of act 1 was a rural area and had peaceful environment. However after Giselle had felt a sense of betrayal about Albrecht who was a nobleman and died of a heart disease in act 1, the atmosphere of act 2 was changed totally. Its mood was very gloomy and horrible because the events were usually evoked near Giselle’s tomb in forest midnight. Moreover in act 1, even though Giselle and Albrecht’s love had been not accomplished, since he had felt guilty and missed her, he went to her grave. However Albrecht run into danger due to queen of Willis and Giselle danced to trying to rescue him. So the main idea of act 2 is that Giselle who had became a Wili saves him from Wilis.
2. What do you feel was the overall intention of the choreographer creating this ballet?
- In my opinion, the choreographer of Giselle wanted to emphasize with the expression about changing of a mental attitude and dancing of Giselle. Specifically, we need to pay attention to a look of her in act 1 because she was described as an innocent and charming girl who fell in love. Whereas in next part, after she became a Wili and the nobleman was in danger, she danced enthusiastically to rescue her lover.

참고 자료


판매자 유형Bronze개인


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