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[조직행동론]Apple Computer case 에세이

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Apple computer의 organizational culture를 case를 통해 공부. 케이스와 에세이 모두 영어




Incorporated in 1977, Apple computer designs, manufactures, and markets personal computers for use in business, educations, and the home. Apple Computer was created in 1976, when two engineers, Steven Jobs and Steven Wozniak, collaborated to produce a computer designed for personal use. As early orders for their computer increased, Jobs and Wozniak soon realized that they could not do everything themselves. They needed to employ more people to produce Apple’s goods and services.
To produce more effectively, Jobs and Wozniak structured their company so that different people were grouped together to perform specific business functions (such as sales and marketing, purchasing, engineering and manufacturing), thus creating a functional structure. Jobs and Wozniak also kept their organization flat so that it had few levels of managers. This structure encouraged employees to be creative, flexible, and responsive to the uncertainty that characterized the new personal computer industry. With few rules and few managers, Apple operated on the basis of personal contact among people in different functions who were members of teams and task forces.
As a result of their decisions about how to organize and run their company, jobs and Wozniak created an entrepreneurial culture at Apple characterized by intensely loyal members who were committed to developing innovative products. Values and norms that emphasized cooperation, encouraged the sharing of information and ideas, and led to high employee commitment to the organization developed.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[조직행동론]Apple Computer case 에세이
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