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[독후감]Benjamin Franklin

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Benjamin Franklin 자선전을 읽고




Benjamin Franklin was the one of the most prominent of the Founders and early political figures and statesmen of the United States. He also was a prodigious inventor. He was born on in Boston, Massachusetts January 17, 1706. He was the tenth boy of 17 children. He ended a school at ten, and then worked for his father. By 1730, Franklin published the newspaper called “The Pennsylvania Gazette” through his printing company. Morgan begins his narrative with Franklin as a young man, already exhibiting the characteristics that would epitomize his life. He was strong, personable, curious, and vigorous. .
From the mid-1720s through the mid-1750s Morgan`s Franklin persuaded Philadelphians to do good things for themselves, providing the ideas, the plans, the publicity, and the organization for achieving "virtually every scheme that made the city an attractive place to live" (Morgan, 58). He took pride in being English and worked to protect Pennsylvania`s Englishness from dilution by others.
This book, however, was a little written about Franklin’s time in Europe, in England, where addition to trying to make Pennsylvania a royal colony in England.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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