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[영작문]Cause and Effect of AIDS

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


AIDS의 원인과 결과를 과학적인 사실을 바탕으로 서론, 본론, 결론으로 글을 이어나감으로서 일목요연하고 매끄럽게 영작하였습니다. AIDS의 원인을 분석하여 그것을 예방하기 위한 오늘날의 대책과 해결책에 대한 글입니다.


1. 서론 : 최근 AIDS에 대한 실제 통계를 바탕으로 오늘날의 AIDS 현황을
보고하고 그에따른 예방책을 제시.
2. 본론 : 3개의 paragraphs에 이유와 각각의 에유에 따른 예방법 제시
3. 결론
(문서내 구분없음)


According to the statistics, there are over 4 million of people who have AIDS ,

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome , over the world today. Because AIDS is the

most serious disease which can spread rapidly and make a lot of other victims in

short time, it isn’t a problem for only one person anymore. As a result of that, we are

really familiar with this word, AIDS, but we don’t know exactly how we are infected

with AIDS and what the reason is. So, from Now on, I will explain the causes of AIDS

and suggest the ways to prevent it.

The biggest reason of AIDS is the unappropriate sexual relationship. It means

uncareful sex can cause AIDS like having a sex with a prostitute or same sex person and

having several sex partners. The best place where the AIDS’ virus likes is blood and

sperm. In fact, the connection with a same sex person is the major reason. Most of the

first victims were homosexual men. Consequently, you should not have a sexual

relationship with stranger and should use a condom when you have a relationship.

The second reason is transfusion which means giving your blood to someone who

needs it. If someone receives blood which is infected with AIDS, he/she also will be

infected with it. There also could be chance of infection in this case that the

medical equipment is infected with AIDS, especially the needle of shot.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영작문]Cause and Effect of AIDS
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2024년 05월 06일 월요일
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