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[영작문][Research paper]Nonverbal communication

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최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Nonverbal communication에 대한 research를 통해 작성한 report 입니다.
미국에서 교환학생 기간동안 있으면서 들은 Basic writing 과목 시간에 작성한 거구요. A받았습니다.




There was a famous singer whose name was Taji Seo in South Korea. The singer who was standing in front of audiences on his concert stage sang nothing for three minutes. After singing nothing, he greeted the audience and there was a buzz of conversation in the audience. All audience was embarrassed at first and some of them realized there was a kind of music. Even if he sang nothing, he still made music with silence. When we feel gloomy, we sometimes do not say anything to our friends. However, they still ask us “what is wrong with you?” or “what happened with you?” because of our face, behavior or something else. Like those examples, even though we try to say everything we want to let others know, we still do not notify everything we want to explain to others. There is something we can not explain with our verbal language. Therefore, I suggest that verbal language is not the best way to communicate and we need to know other communication skills, because verbal language is sometimes not enough to express something more we want to express.

참고 자료

Works cited
Joseph A. Devito, The interpersonal communication book, 2004, Tenth edition, Allyn and bacon
Erin Brockovich, Produced and directed by Steven Soderbergh, 130 minutes, Columbia Pictures 2000, DVD video
Greene, K, Read my gestures, Science News, 10/29/2005 Vol. 168 Issue 18, p278-278, 1/2 p, http://web26.epnet.com/citation.asp?tb=1&_ug=sid+CE1E75D2%2DBCC0%2D428E%2D936B%2DFF15A58EC8AC%40sessionmgr6+dbs+afh+cp+1+22C2&_us=frn+1+hd+False+hs+False+or+Date+fh+False+ss+SO+sm+ES+sl+%2D1+dstb+ES+mh+1+ri+KAAACBWC00093375+52FB&_uso=tg%5B0+%2D+db%5B0+%2Dafh+hd+False+op%5B0+%2D+st%5B0+%2Dnonverbal++communication+ex%5B0+%2Dproximity+mdb%5B0+%2Dimh+6D97&fn=1&rn=6
Robbins, S. and Langton, N. (2001) Organizational Behaviour: Concepts, Controversies, Applications (2nd Canadian ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. (http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?ParaLanguage)
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[영작문][Research paper]Nonverbal communication
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