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Mississippi Burning

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


흔히 기회와 평등의 땅이라고 불리워지는 미국 내에서 자행되는 인종차별 문제에 대해 알란 파커 감독의 미시시피 버닝이라는 영화를 통해 재조명




After some people emigrated to the Continent of America from England, many American were discriminated, for instance, they had to pay more tax than the English had to do. In 1773, the King of the Great Britain gave the East India Company a right that the company could export tea to America without any tax by Tea Act. Because of that many tradesmen in America got angry and in that year some Americans threw the East India Company's tea into the sea.
This is the "Boston Tea Party" and this event became a start point of a long independence movement. After the United States became an independence state, many people have believed that the United States is a country for opportunities. The American themselves also pronounce that "all men are created epual, that they are endowed by thier Creator with certain inalienable Right, that among these are Live, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" in the Declaration of Independence.
Because of this background of history, many people consider the United States as a land for an opportunity and an equality. Actually a lot of people who suffered from poverty and inequlity went to America for catching any chance.

참고 자료

영화 "Mississippi Burning"의 감상문


판매자 유형Bronze개인


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