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[근거기반정책론 과제] Systematic Review [ENG] - 중고등학생 대상 학교폭력 예방프로그램에 관한 논문검토

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,500원 할인쿠폰받기


"[근거기반정책론 과제] Systematic Review [ENG] - 중고등학생 대상 학교폭력 예방프로그램에 관한 논문검토"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
(1) Background
(2) Research Purpose
(3) Research Question

2. Methods
(1) Criteria for Inclusion and Exclusion
(2) Literature Search Method
(3) Selected Literature Characteristics

3. Analysis Results
(1) Program Subjects
(2) Contents of the Programs
(3) Common Limitations of the Programs
(4) Program Effect

4. Discussion and Conclusion

5. References

6. Appendix


- Executive Summary -

This study is a systematic review of the effectiveness of the school violence prevention program in Korea conducted for middle and high school students from 2014 to 2020. Ten papers that evaluated the program through pre-post experimental design with a control group were selected and the results were analyzed. All of the programs were implemented in the short term and one-time, but they were generally effective in enhancing students' ability to prevent school violence and psychosocial capacity. However, since there is no research to verify the long-term effects of programs, follow-up studies are needed to evaluate the practical effects of programs on preventing school violence.

1. Introduction
(1) Background
In Korea, school violence is recognized as a social problem. Various programs are prepared to prevent school violence, and school violence prevention education is regularly provided. However, most programs are conducted in the short term for specific students, and in the field, they are often conducted in a time-wasting manner..

참고 자료

Lee Eunhee(2014), The Effect of an Empathy-Based School Violence Prevention Program on the Empathy Ability and Aggression of Middle School Students
Choi MiKyong, Lee SeoYeong(2015), A Study on Empathy Ability, Awareness & Attitude Change through Empathy Centered-School Violence Prevention Education for Non-Adapted Student
Na Okhee, Oh Ohhyun, Lee MiNa(2019), Development of School Violence Prevention Program Using Emotional Coaching Dialogue
Kim JeongNam, Cho Miah(2017), A Study on the Reading Education Program on Middle School Students' Attitudes toward School Violence and Empathic Ability
Kim MyungSun, Kwon BoMin(2018), The Effects of Eoullim Program on Communicative Ability and Conflict Resolution of High-Risk School violence Group High School Students
Jung Eun-Ha, Shin Yun-Mi, Choi Sun-Mi(2016), The Effects of the School Violence Prevention Program Using Temperament
Lee Soosob, Kang Heesook(2018), The Effect of the School Violence Prevention Sociodrama on the Perceptions of School Violence in Middle School Students
Lee Ju-Hyeon, Yu Kum-Lan(2015), School violence prevention using Music Therapy for middle school students: Program Development and Effect
Bae Mihee, Yoo Jaemin, Kim Chungsong(2015), The Effect of School Violence Preventive Program on Bystander`s Friendship: The Repeated Measure Effects of Repressive Coping and Empathy
Sung Ji-Eun, Kim Soo-Jin(2014), The Effects of the School Violence Prevention Program on School Violence Attitudes, Anger and School Adjustment Resilience in Middle School Students
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[근거기반정책론 과제] Systematic Review [ENG] - 중고등학생 대상 학교폭력 예방프로그램에 관한 논문검토
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