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[경영 케이스스터디 영문리포트] Google Inc. HBR(Harvard Business Review)

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"[경영 케이스스터디 영문리포트] Google Inc. HBR(Harvard Business Review)"에 대한 내용입니다.


I. Summary
II. Factors Behind Google’s Early Success
III. Is Search a Winner-Takes-It-All Business?
IV. Comparison of Google and Naver
V. References


Google was founded by Sergey Brin and Larry Page in 1998, and the company grew very quickly and completed its initial public offering (IPO) in August 2004 at $85 per share. PageRank algorithm and paid listings played a decisive role in making Google the most used search engine. PageRank algorithm attracted many search users because it provided search results needed by users more efficiently. Also, due to paid listing, Google could charge an advertiser a fixed amount each time a user viewed an ad, not considering whether the user clicked it. These two factors made the company grow quickly by improving search ability and advertising ability.
Google has several features in operating the company. Firstly, it has dual-class equity that gives 10 votes per share to holders of Class B stock, while only one vote is given to holders of Class A share. Secondly, it has clear philosophies that help it grow faster in order to create corporate values.

참고 자료

"network effect." https://www.investopedia.com. last modified n.d., accessed May 13, 2020, https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/network-effect.asp.
"Increasing Returns and the New World of Business." https://hbr.org/. last modified n.d., accessed May 13, 2020, https://hbr.org/1996/07/increasing-returns-and-the-new-world-of-business.
"Worldwide desktop market share of leading search engines from January 2010 to January 2020 ." https://www.statista.com/. last modified n.d., accessed May 13, 2020,
Leesoo Kim. “Paid Search in Korea: Naver Ads vs Google Ads.” The Egg Company, July 5, 2019. https://www.theegg.com/sem/korea/paid-search-in-korea-naver-ads-vs-google-ads/.
Park, Heesun. “Google VS Naver - Korean Web Service.” Google Sites. Accessed May 17, 2020. https://sites.google.com/site/koreanwebsevice/portal-service/naver/google-vs-naver.
Krush, Alesia. “Google Vs. Naver: Why Can't Google Dominate Search in Korea?” Link. Accessed May 17, 2020. https://www.link-assistant.com/blog/google-vs-naver-why-cant-google-dominate-search-in-korea/.
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[경영 케이스스터디 영문리포트] Google Inc. HBR(Harvard Business Review)
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