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Cause & Effect Essay (Government-Authored history textbook)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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"Cause & Effect Essay (Government-Authored history textbook)"에 대한 내용입니다.




A government-authored history textbook is a history textbook made by the government. The former impeached President of Korea, Geun-Hye Park and her regime decided to publish the government-authored history textbook and make a plan that all schools in Korea use this standardized book only (H.S. Lee, “The Prime Minister Hwang…”). Therefore, in 2015, Jae-in Moon, the president in office, stated that there are some problems with the textbook, and he could not accept the book (Won, “A Statement to the…”).

참고 자료

Bae, Mun-Kyu. “전국 역사교수들 ‘국정 역사교과서는 민주주의 부정’···국정화 폐기 요구.” [“Nationwide History Professors ‘The Government-Authored History Textbook is Denying Democracy’···Demand of Discarding the Government-Authored History Textbook.”]. Kyunghyang Shinmun, 15 Nov. 2016, news.khan.co.kr/kh_news/khan_art_view.html?artid=201611151801001.
Im, Ah-Young. “새 초등 국정교과서 ‘박정희 유신’ 정당화.” [“The New Government-Authored Textbook for Elementary School Students Justified ‘Yusin of Jung-Hee Park’.”]. Kyunghyang Shinmun, 29 Feb. 2016, news.khan.co.kr/kh_news/khan_art_view.html?artid=201602292205355#csidxaa9a731e8c3e0109a3a87a6e3af2004.
Kim, Agnes, and Sun-Hye Choi. 한국사 스페셜 [The Korean History Special]. Sinwon Press, 2002.
Kim, Kyung-Uk. “국정교과서 공개…역시나 ‘박정희 미화·친일 축소.’” [“Release of the Government-Authored Textbook… Expectedly ‘Glamorization of Jung-Hee Park · Minimization of Japanophiles’.”]. Hankyeore, 28 Nov. 2016, www.hani.co.kr/arti/society/schooling/772250.html.
Kim, Sung-Kwang. “애플 ‘국정교과서 만드는건 민주주의 해치는 일’ 조희연 ‘한·일 신보수주의가 역사 우익적 재해석.’” [“Apple ‘Making the State-Authored History Textbook Is Harmful for Democracy’ Hee-Yeon Jo ‘The Right-Wing Biased History Reinterpretation of Neoconservatism in Korea · Japan’.”]. Hankyeore, 27 Oct. 2015, www.hani.co.kr/arti/society/society_general/714764.html.
KimYoon, Na-Yeong. “"국정 교과서, 각종 법령 위반…불법 교과서. "” [“"The Government-Authored Textbook, Violation of Various Kinds of the Law…Illegal Textbook."”]. Pressian, 3 Nov. 2015, www.pressian.com/pages/articles/130895#0DKU.
Lee, Han-Seung. “황총리 ‘검정제도로 올바른 역사교과서 불가능…발행제도 개선.’” [“The Prime Minister Hwang Said, ‘Proper History Textbook Is Impossible with a Certification System… Improving of Publication System.’”]. Yeonhap News, 3 Nov. 2015, www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20151103077600001?input=1195m.
Lee, Ki-Bum. “국정교과서 '폐기'... 아무도 책임지지 않았다.” [“The Government-Authored History Textbook Was ‘Discarded’… Nobody Was Responsible.”]. No Cut News, 1 June 2017, www.nocutnews.co.kr/news/4792773.
Oh, Jennie. “South Korea's Ex-President Park Geun-Hye Illegally Pushed for State-Authored History Textbooks.” UPI, 28 Mar. 2018, www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2018/03/28/South-Koreas-ex-President-Park-Geun-hye-illegally-pushed-for-state-authored-history-textbooks/2161522225580.
“S Korea Leader Moon Scraps State-Issued History Books.” BBC News, 12 May 2017, www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-39895168.
“South Korea Accused of Rewriting History in New School Textbooks.” The Guardian, 15 Dec. 2015, www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/03/south-korea-accused-rewriting-history-schoolbook-policy.
Won, Sung-Yun. “문재인 대표 '국정교과서' 저지 대국민 담화.” [“A Statement to the Nation about Interrupting ‘The Government-Authored Textbook’ of the Leader Moon.”]. Huffington Post Korea, 4 Nov. 2015, www.huffingtonpost.kr/2015/11/03/story_n_8469488.html.
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Cause & Effect Essay (Government-Authored history textbook)
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