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(영문레포트) Picasso, Cubism and art 피카소의 큐비즘과 그의 작품

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미국 미대 과제인 art history research paper입니다
피카소의 '아비뇽의 처녀들'과 큐비즘을 주제로 한 11장의 영문레포트입니다.


1) Background Information
2) Thesis/Problem Statement
3) Art Review/Critique
4) Lines used to illustrate the Principle of Emphasis
5) How Les Demoiselles d ’ Avigon contributed to the artistic movement: Cubism
6) The Head of a Woman (1924) by Pablo Picasso
7) The Head of a Woman (1924) by Pablo Picaso
8) Two nudes (1906) by Pablo Picasso

2. Conclusion


The famous “Les Demoiselles d’ Avigon” by Pablo Picasso has always been referred to as one of the most influential and significant art painting that was done in 1907. Ideally, this famous painting; “Les Demoiselles d’ Avigon” is believed to be the piece that started or began the “artistic movement” that was commonly known as the Cubism. The artistic movement: Cubism is an important period in the history of art which redefined the existing reality of art as form that has psychological presence as opposed to just the mere physical external look or appearance of the creative piece. The artistic movement that was also commonly known as “cubism” was one of the greatest movements in the arts industry ever since the Renaissance and the movement was mainly influenced by Pablo Picasso’s “Les Demoiselles d’ Avigon.”
This historical piece of art is unique in every sense since it vividly portrayed and presented the main or..

<중 략>

참고 자료

Primary Sources:
Galanter, P. “What is generative art? Complexity theory as a context for art theory.” 6th Generative Art Confrence, (2003). Retrieved from www.citeeerx.it.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
Secondary Sources:
Hitory.com., Cubism Hitory. (21st Augut 2018). Retrieved from https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.history.com/.amp/topics/art-history/history-of-cubism
Cohen, Alina., “Les Demoiselles d’ Avigon” Is Picasso at His Most RTevolutionary and Most Reprehensible. Retrieved from Cohen, Alina., (20th February). (20th February). “Les Demoiselles d’ Avigon” Is Picasso at His Most RTevolutionaryand Most Reprehensible. Retrieved from https://www.google.com/amp/s/
Dasgupta, Subrata. "The Complexity of Creativity: Les Demoiselles D’Avignon as a Cognitive-Historical Laboratory." Creativity Research Journal (2019): 1-18.
Almog, Shulamit. "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon: Painting Prostitution, Delineating Law." Cardozo Arts & Ent. LJ 36 (2018): 63.
Hummer, Madison. "The Appropriation of African Objects in Pablo Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon." (2018).
Gaspar, Pedro Lima. "The influence of African art and imaginaries in the built work of Pancho Guedes in Maputo." imagonautas. Revista interdisciplinaria sobre imaginarios sociales 11 (2018): 129-157.
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(영문레포트) Picasso, Cubism and art 피카소의 큐비즘과 그의 작품
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