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IB english written assignment - Chronicle of a Death Foretold, & Reflective statement

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Gabriel García Marquez 작가의 Chronicle of a Death Foretold 를 읽고 쓴 IB English written assignment입니다.




brothers’ plan to kill Santiago Nasar. The style of the novel is that of a journalistic investigation, and the narrator’s role, just like the reader’s, is to try to make sense of the tragic events. In the novel, Marquez uses the technique of non-linear timeline, which is the structure mimicking the recollection of human memory. In fact, the narrator is gathering facts and memories of the townspeople, which are somewhat distorted. This can be seen in the passage “I returned to this forgotten village, trying to put the broken mirror of memory back together from so many scattered shards”(5). This plot enables Marquez to present the distant past as well as the present, and the future that has already taken place. However, it is only scattered shards that the narrator will get.
Secondly, while collecting the “scattered shards”(5), Marquez changes the details of narrator’s account every time people retrieve facts from their memory, which supports his claim that it may be unreliable, and that we may never be certain what we remember.

참고 자료

Márquez, Gabriel García. Chronicle of a Death Foretold. Trans. Gregory Rabassa. New York: Ballantine, 1982. Print.
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IB english written assignment - Chronicle of a Death Foretold, & Reflective statement
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