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face recognition system to prevent crime (얼굴인식 시스템, 범죄 예방)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Subtopic1: Description of the face recognition system
Support: 1. The Biometric identification systems
2. Operation of the face recognition system

Subtopic2: The merits of facial recognition system
Support: 1. Criminal prevention
2. Reliability of outcome
3. Non-contact process
4. Being used in various areas

Subtopic3: Criticism of facial recognition system
Support: 1. Attack personal information

Subtopic4: The management of the government
Support: 1. The government supervises facial recognition system
2. The government protects privacy by the law


Nowadays, because crimes are getting more sophisticated, organized and brutal, improvement of surveillance systems against clever criminals is necessary. The technology of surveillance systems to protect civilians from criminals has dramatically developed, and it has contributed to the safety of civilians. Face recognition system is one of latest high technology systems to identify individual features on the face. This system is the operation of identifying images or videos of one or more people by analyzing and comparing figures. A newly-emerging trend in facial recognition uses these features to develop a 3D model, which declares to provide more precision .

<중 략>

Facial recognition system has some arguments. Now, facial recognition system is used in many places. Many people worry that the innocent people’s privacy will be violated. Through cameras, not only suspects’ face images will be caught but also the innocent people. Every one’s facial images will be recorded imperceptibly in anywhere, anytime. Besides, nobody can make sure that the facial recognition system must be accurate.

참고 자료

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face recognition system to prevent crime (얼굴인식 시스템, 범죄 예방)
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