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anglo american law, slaughter- house case brief 정리 및 설명

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5페이지/ 한컴오피스
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hi my name jmp.
the Slaughterhouse Casee are first events to interpret Equal Protection Clauses of 14th amendment.
The Slaughter-House Cases, 83 U.S. 36 (1873) were the first United States Supreme Court interpretation of the relatively new Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.
It is viewed as a pivotal case in early civil rights law, reading the Fourteenth Amendment as protecting the "privileges or immunities" conferred by virtue of the federal United States citizenship to all individuals of all states within it, but not those privileges or immunities incident to citizenship of a state
therefore Stevens cited the majority opinion in the Slaughterhouse Cases.
so I simply deal with Slaughterhouse Case.

<중 략>

As one resident put it, New Orleans in the mid-19th century was plagued by "incest and portions of putrefied animal matter lodged [around the drinking pipes]" coming from local slaughterhouses whenever the tide from the Mississippi river was low. A mile and a half upstream from the city, a thousand butchers gutted over 300,000 animals per year.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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