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Instrumentation and Monitoring of Underground space (지하공간 모니터링 장비)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. What is tunnel monitoring?
Instrumentation and monitoring are an essential part of tunnelling practice. For safe and economical tunnelling in sensitive construction, various parameters are required to be measured.
Theoretical and predictive modeling must adapt and adjust to the reality. The full knowledge of excavation on the project and its environment are essential to the successful completion of the works. Automated monitoring systems provide formation to lead underground works.
Generally, Tunnel and underground monitoring is a complex challenge consisting of below ones.


1. What is tunnel monitoring?
2. Purpose of monitoring in tunnel
3. Case of instrumentation and Monitoring of Underground space
4. Kinds of instrumentation and Monitoring of Underground space
5. The overall configuration of instrumentation and Monitoring of Underground space


1. What is tunnel monitoring?
Instrumentation and monitoring are an essential part of tunnelling practice. For safe and economical tunnelling in sensitive construction, various parameters are required to be measured.
Theoretical and predictive modeling must adapt and adjust to the reality. The full knowledge of excavation on the project and its environment are essential to the successful completion of the works. Automated monitoring systems provide formation to lead underground works.
Generally, Tunnel and underground monitoring is a complex challenge consisting of below ones.

① Underground structure Monitoring
- Tunnels Monitoring (TBM or NATM mode)
- Deep foundations or deep shafts Monitoring
- Underground and Metro Station Monitoring
- “Cut and Covers” structures Monitoring
② Surrounding soil Monitoring
③ Buildings and previous construction in the area of influence Monitoring

2. Purpose of monitoring in tunnel
The purpose of monitoring using geotechnical instrumentation is as follows:
(1) Safety of buildings and utilities
(2) Design verification

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Instrumentation and Monitoring of Underground space (지하공간 모니터링 장비)
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