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Homosexual marriage should be legalized in Korea

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
20페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1.0 Introduction

2.0 Reasons of allowing homosexual
2.1 Innate
2.1.1 Gay Genes
2.1.2 Brain Structures
2.1.3 Birth Order
2.2 Acquired
2.2.1 Environmental
2.2.2 Family Influence
2.2.3 Media

3.0. Human rights and homosexual marriage
3.1. Rights
3.1.1 Basic human rights
3.1.2 Significance of the same sex marriage
3.1.3 Family diversity in modern society
3.2 Legalized Homosexual marriage in other countries
3.2.1 Efforts of overseas countries for homosexuals
3.2.2 An alternative way to accept the same sex people
3.2.3 Perspectives of religions about homosexual marriage

4.0 Benefits of allowing homosexual marriage
4.1 Economic benefits
4.1.1 Government
4.1.2 Economic and business opportunities
4.2 Social benefits
4.2.1 Statistics and facts about orphans
4.2.2 The rate of orphans in Korea
4.2.3 South Korea adoption rate is falling
4.2.4 Homosexual adoption in France
4.2.5. Homosexual adoption in the Unites States
4.2.6 Can Homosexuals be good parents?
4.3 Benefits for homosexuals
4.3.1 The problems that homosexual couples must deal with in current society
4.3.2 Marriage license
4.3.3 Health advantage
4.3.4. Protecting children

5.0 Conclusion

6.0 References


1.0 Introduction
Throughout the human history, argument over whether to allow homosexuals marriage has always been controversial. Nowadays, based on recognition regarding the necessities and benefits of homosexual marriage, fifteen countries including Canada and France have legalized the same sex marriage so far. Even other countries that did not legalize the homosexual marriage yet, they are likely to pass a law about their marriage. On the contrary to those contriving countries, Korea hardly accepts the homosexual marriage. The bare possibility has been proven by a research that only twenty six percent of Korean people allow the same sex marriage although the average percentage of other countries was more than twice higher than Korea’s.
On 7th of September, 2013, the first homosexual marriage in Korea was held. Film director Kim-Joh Gwang-soo and film distributor Kim Seung-hwan held a wedding in Seoul after they had gone out for nine years. When citizens heard the news, they were shocked, but in general, they were indifferent. In Korea

참고 자료

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Homosexual marriage should be legalized in Korea
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