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이화여대 생물화학 Carbohydrates 영어발표 A+ 받은거 파워포인트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
44페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Back grounds/Biochemical connection
2. (H-C_OH )n Classification
3. Representative monosaccharides
4. Epimers
5. Formation of the two cyclic forms of D-glucose
6. Pyranoses & furanoses
7. Sugars as reducing agents
8. Formation of maltose
9. Some common disaccharides
10. Polysaccharides
11. Electron micrographs of starch and glycogen granules
12. The structure of cellulose
13. Peptidoglycan
14. Interaction between a glycosaminoglycan and its binding protein.
15. Roles of oligosaccharides in recognition and adhesionat thecell surface
16. a lectin-carbohydrate interaction
17. Proteoglycan aggregate of the extracellular matrix
18. Interactions between cells and the extracellular matrix.
19. Role of lectin-ligand interactions in lymphocyte movement to the site of an infection or injury.


Good afternoon, everyone, my name is Min Jung Kim , and I am senior in the department of natural science .
I will be presenting today in the topic of carbohydrates.
The purpose of this presentation is to give you brief summary about carbohydrates that we already learned from the previous lectures
And remind you of how Carbohydrates play significant role in biochemistry Therefore what I intend to do is to divide this presentation in to two parts.
First , basic explanation about back ground concepts second , examples That show diverse interactions in carbohydrate biochemistry.

<중 략>

FIGURE 7-31 Role of lectin-ligand interactions in lymphocyte movement to the site of an infection or injury. A neutrophil circulating through a capillary is slowed by transient interactions between P-selectin molecules in the plasma membrane of the capillary endothelial cells and glycoprotein ligands for P-selectin on the neutrophil surface. As it interacts with successive P-selectin molecules, the neutrophil rolls along the capillary surface. Near a site of inflammation, stronger interactions between integrin in the capillary surface and its ligand in the neutrophil surface lead to tight adhesion. The neutrophil stops rolling and, under the influence of signals sent out from the site of inflammation, begins extravasation—escape through the capillary wall—as it moves toward the site of inflammation.

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이화여대 생물화학 Carbohydrates 영어발표 A+ 받은거 파워포인트
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