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[건강과 흡연] [영문]흡연으로 인한 위험한 신체적 피해와 그 해결책 <Dangerous Physical Damages by Smoking And the Ways to Stop Smoking>

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최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


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Dangerous Physical Damages by Smoking And the Ways to Stop Smoking

I. Introduction

II. Smoking
A. Short Statement of Tobacco
B. Mental Effect by Nicotine
C. The Smoke of Tobacco
1. Many States by The Smoke of Tobacco
D. Various Diseases

III. Problems of Female and Teenage Smokers

IV. Three Ways to Stop Smoking and The States
A. Decreasing Smoking quantity gradually
B. Stopping Smoking at A Stroke
C. States by Stopping Smoking
D. Eating Support Foods
1. Nicotine Gum
2. Nicotine Patch

V. Conclusion


Smoking causes various diseases such as chronic bronchitis and various kinds of cancer: lung cancer, larynx cancer, cancer of the esophagus, etc. Tobacco, which people smoke, is a toxic substance, and a main ingredient that causes the toxic is nicotine. This nicotine has a medical action which is similar to toxic substance such as a narcotic.
When it is the first time to smoke or when a smoker smokes a lot, it gives various symptoms such as vomiting, giddiness, headaches, etc. by nicotine. Nicotine is very poisonous; therefore, if a human’s body absorbs too much nicotine in their blood at once, most of the people die.
The most important medical action of nicotine is a mental effect. Nicotine makes smokers feel a sense of mental stability and gives a sedative effect that helps to relieve the tension. Most of all, these medical actions of nicotine cause a habit which makes people smoke continually.
The smoke of tobacco includes carbon monoxide; therefore, smokers could be in hypoxia, because the use rate of oxygen by smokers is much lower than the use rate of oxygen by nonsmokers. Smoking makes smokers feel headache, dizziness, and fatigue, makes eyes get flickering, gives a sense of vomiting, makes the heart beat faster, gives an oppressive feeling of the breast, and makes a smoker have difficulty in breathing, and even a state of stupor follows. If these states get worse, it gives a state of unconsciousness and finally makes people die.
Smoking does not only give people these states, but it also causes various diseases: coronary heart disease, lung cancer, esophageal carcinoma, oral cancer, laryngeal cancer, kidney cancer, cervical cancer, pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer, etc.

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[건강과 흡연] [영문]흡연으로 인한 위험한 신체적 피해와 그 해결책 &lt;Dangerous Physical Damages by Smoking And the Ways to Stop Smoking&gt;
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