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1997 IMF 외환위기와 그에 따른 영향 / IMF Crisis and its Effcts / 영문 발표

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Financial and Economic Turbulence of 1997-98
2. Major Causes of IMF Crisis
3. The IMF's Immediate Response to the Crisis
4. IMF Financial Crisis hits Korea
5. Bankruptcy on Major Companies
6. Effects of the IMF Crisis
7. Efforts to revive the   Economic Depression in Korea
8. Response of United States, a hegemony to Financial Crisis
9. Additional Information: Strategies of survived nations and corporate
10. Prospects of second Financial Crisis


Depreciation of Thai’s balance on current account
Burst of bubble economy especially in Estate market
Withdrawals of investment in anticipation with the decline of value of Baht by Financial Speculators
In August 1997, Thailand Government request IMF for urgent relief loan
In consequence, having the same financial issues, Trust by nearer countries were being doubted by speculators and were withdrawn
(Regional contagious effect)
Due to withdrawal, stocks were crashed and currency rose

Burst of bubble economy
Financial liberalization policy
The fixed exchange rate
The high domestic interest rate policy
The ignorance of control and investigation in financial institutions
The structural and managerial erosion of finance and securities
The economic recession
The political limitation
Political decision making process

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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1997 IMF 외환위기와 그에 따른 영향 / IMF Crisis and its Effcts / 영문 발표
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