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roman empire 경제

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Rome’s political system from 600BCE until 600CE. /
Latin people /and Romulus founded a city state in 753BCE on the Tiber River. Romulus became the first king of this city state and named it Rome. Started by Romulus, Rome kept monarchy political system until 509 BCE. For 250 years, 7 kings ruled Rome /such as Numa pompilius,/ Tullo ostilio /and Servius Tulius. The head of the aristocrat nominates one of the aristocrats, and then the comitia makes the decision.

<중 략>

Second, the slave rebellion. Apporixmately, 20 thousands of slave revolts which failed at the end but it weakend the military power. Third, after the splite, Eastern Rome became rich but western Rome didn’t. By differences of religion, Eastern Rome didn’t help Western Rome. Fourth, Western rome was believing in catholic and opressived other religions such as Jedaism, but expecially people who believes in Jesus.

참고 자료

Hanwook Jo, 2010, ‘Why? Rome’, Yerimdang, 153 Samsungdong Gangnamgu, Seoul
Ancient Rome Story, Bek Yeon, 2013, September, 10th ,http://whitelake.tistory.com/217,
Julius Caesar, BBC, 2013 September 12th, http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/caesar_julius.shtml
The Punic Wars, History World, 2013, 11th, http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/plaintexthistories.asp?historyid=ac53
Kim Taehun, 2012, Shelpa World History, Haebup Chunjegyouk,
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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