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페미니즘 영어 레포트

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By Upper body exposure, a teenage girl threatened by Islamic conservatives. She posted a picture of herself with the words “My body is mine and no one ele’s” written on her skin on the Tunisia(튀니지) Facebook fanpage of Femen, a social movement and provocative women’s movement founded in 2008 in the Ukraine The conservative Islam in Tunisia said ‘According to Islamic decrees, she must take whip-type punishment but It is ought to receive death depending on the severity of her act.’ But she has received the support of people around the world. The pimen made a day April 4th to protest against the threats she received.

<중 략>

the recidivism sexually assaulted 16-year-old girl was sentenced to a whopping 100. Birth to a child encounter a rut sexual assault to the stepfather, but the girl, the court entered into the premarital sex, for the public flogging in September of last year, stepfather to 10 years in prison and sentenced to. The Maldives Islamic countries signed a premarital sex for men and women for many years have been punished. That type enforcement starts after 18 years of adults to minors.
As you can see from these examples, the long history of gender inequality even still have continued.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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